A Letter From The LANES CEO

February 2020

Dear Valued Participant,

This month marks the 2-year anniversary of operationalizing LANES as the first community-based health information exchange in Los Angeles. Our goal is to strengthen healthcare delivery systems’ ability to enhance care in Los Angeles County by operating a meaningful, economic and sustainable interoperability organization.

While exciting, our journey has been humbling and gratifying beyond compare. We are proud that our viable platform, technical expertise and increasing adoption of clinical use cases are gaining the trust of Los Angeles care providers.

Over the past two years we have added 30 clinics and 18 hospitals to our network.

The coming years in our evolution promise explosive growth from the foundation that we’ve worked hard to establish. With support from the Los Angeles healthcare providers, we will expand our virtual communities by connecting more hospitals, primary care providers, specialists and health plans while never losing sight of our mission: Provide a robust platform built to scale with your needs including easy access to cost-effective and secure exchange of patient medical and behavioral health records wherever and whenever needed.

On behalf of everyone at LANES, please accept my sincere thanks for your support. It is a privilege to partner with you and contribute to improving population health in Los Angeles County.

With deep appreciation,

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