Per Federal law, patients have a right to a copy of their data from any provider or HIPAA-covered entity based on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, including this QHIO. Furthermore, patients are entitled to their medical records data “in a form convenient to the patient, in a reasonable manner” per the 21st Century Cures Act.
This QHIO provides a simple way for patients to download a copy of all the data that we store about you.
With luck, every one of the patient’s providers and facilities already participates in this QHIO, and the patient will get a full and complete medical record going back at least 3 years. However, it is possible that some local providers won’t be participants in the HIE, and also that some won’t share all data they collect and produce about the patient with the QHIO.
Using the QR code below, any adult patient with a valid ID can use a smartphone to quickly create an account, get their identity verified, and then obtain a copy of their medical records from this QHIO, all for free. You may also get some data from other locations in the country where you have previously had treatment if those facilities or HIEs participate in this or other nationwide networks. Minors and patients without a valid ID must contact their providers directly to obtain their records.
Patients can also use their own personal health application if it has applied and been accepted as an authorized patient application by our system. Please see the list of approved PHAs here. If your PHA isn’t on the list but you would like it to be, contact the PHA vendor and direct them to this application page.
By using this QR code or clicking this link, you agree that you are 13 years of age or older and agree to the LANES Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Scan the QR code above to navigate to There you will be asked to log in with a common authenticator, e.g. Google or Apple, or to create your own account with an email. Note: No password is required for the one-time code login process.
After login/account creation you will be asked to consent that Selfii can search for your data on your behalf.
You will be directed to our identity provider, CLEAR.
CLEAR will request basic information, like mobile number and email address.
After collecting this information, you will be asked to take a selfie.
You will then be asked to scan your government issued ID.
After your identity has been verified, you will be asked to consent to share information with Selfii. This is the data that will be used to search for your health records.
You will then be automatically redirected to
The service will search for your user’s records and display that the search is in progress.
When records are found they will be available as both human and machine readable versions.
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