LANES Solutions Transform Patient and Population Healthcare in L.A.
LANES delivers contiguous, complete data that helps clinicians and providers deliver more effective patient care more efficiently.
Revolutionize Your Patient Care Delivery Process
With LANES innovative solutions and services, you can significantly improve the quality of patient care, while streamlining your processes for maximum efficiency.
Whole Person Care
LANES connects physical, behavioral and community service providers to streamline care coordination and foster easier access to vital services, all aligned to CalAIM.
Population Health
LANES delivers data analytic and risk stratification to improve individual and community health.
Quality Improvement
Helping healthcare organizations in meeting reporting and compliances requirements such as Meaningful Use, UDS, and HEDIS.
Data Exchange Framework Compliance
By adopting LANES, users have satisfied the Data Exchange Framework (DxF) requirements, which will be implemented by CalHHS on January 31, 2024.
ECM for CalAIM
Enhanced Care Management (known as ECM) is central to the delivery of California’s CalAIM. LANES solutions and services help organizations execute ECM-specific tasks, including in-the-community outreach, enhanced care coordination, health promotion supports, and expanded care access.
Value-Based Care
LANES helps participants more easily deliver value-based care at the individual, and population levels more efficiently and effectively with robust, contiguous, and accurate data.
Solutions & Services
Discover LANES Solutions and Services for Unmatched Efficiency and Effectiveness

Data Powers Population Health
Data is the catalyst for improving community health and well-being, used to innovate new ways to best serve providers and their diverse patient communities through population health management initiatives.
LANES Advances Population Health

Aggregating and synthesizing cohorts of patient information in one convenient place focusing on key health conditions to highlight patients requiring urgent attention.

Empowering providers to focus their time and attention on patients who are most in need by identifying and intervening in cases that are high-risk or supporting those with high utilization of healthcare resources.

Exclusively connecting participants to L.A. County Department of Health Services (DHS), Department of Public Health, and Department of Mental Health to support local public health needs.

Integrates social determinants of health (SDoH) data to develop treatment plans for populations facing health and social inequities, including those with COVID-19 ailments.

Risk stratification capabilities for managing a cohort of patient population, optimizing risk contracts, and supporting value-based care.

Better care management supported through complete patient synopsis
LANES delivers complete and clinical enrichment of a patient’s record at the point of care and across the population, connecting you to an instant 360° view of your patient, using longitudinal information generated at community clinics, hospitals, and other care and behavioral health facilities.
Patient Health Benefits

Master Patient Index (MPI), which guarantees high-degree patient record matching accuracy rate.

Seamless integration with California’s CURES Prescription Drug Database (PDMP).

Connects to L.A. County Department of Health Services (DHS), Department of Mental Health (DMH) and Department of Public Health to help providers meet public health needs of their patient communities.

Robust Patient and Population Data at Your Fingertips
To provide the highest quality care at the lowest cost, organizations need to capture and share information both within and outside of their networks. LANES’ rich clinical data repository aggregates clinical and other data from multiple sources into a central data location. This information is available through LANES when and where it is needed at the point of care to better manage population health.
Types of Data Collected and Exchanged
- Medications
- Prescriptions filled
- Procedure codes and descriptions
- Physician notes and care plans
- Problem lists and diagnoses
- Vital signs and procedures
- Allergies and immunizations
- Discharge summaries
- Lab results, radiology & pathology reports
- Longitudinal summarized medical records
- Hospital admission, discharge, and transfer reports
Making Care Coordination Smarter
LANES Smart Alerts are event notifications that flag significant events in patient health records in real-time, such as admissions, discharges, and transfers (ADT). Smart Alerts promote smooth transitions of care, enabling care teams to schedule transition of care visits and provide outreach to the patient in a timely manner. Smart Alert Care Note is a free text digital “sticky note” that health and social health providers can use to notify other providers involved in the patient’s care about particularly important or urgent information.
Smart Alerts benefits include:
- Enablement of standard HL7 ADT message support
- Promoting smooth transitions of care
- Managing high ED utilizers
- Providing timely hospital follow up
- Working from one care plan
- Minimizing readmissions and length of stays
Providers gain full access to care and discharge summaries and relevant information on demand, including:
- Medications
- Vaccinations
- Behavioral health
- ED utilization
- Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)

Accurate, Curated Patient Matching
LANES’ Verato cloud-based patient matching technology uses referential matching to link patient records across systems and enterprises. Verato uses a highly-curated, continuously-updated, self-learning database of identities and identity attributes spanning the entire U.S. adult population. Because of this approach, our match rates are the highest in the industry at over 90% accuracy. Correct patient identity is the cornerstone of digital health records, and LANES participants can rely on our best-of-breed technology for patient identity and associated attributes.

LANES Reaches and Supports Vulnerable Patients
Enhanced Care Management (known as ECM) is central to the delivery of California’s CalAIM. CalAIM, which expands benefits for Medi-Cal enrollees with the highest needs, relies on accurate, current data for in-the-community outreach, enhanced care coordination, health promotion supports, and expanded access to social health services and supports. LANES provides invaluable information for orgnizations to find and support ECM-eligible patients, due to its robust health data base and unique data tools which support ECM-specific tasks. Nearly 70% of LANES’ 10 million patients are enrolled in Medi-Cal.